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Laser Hair Removal for Men - A Complete Guide

Tired of waxing the chest and manscaping the back? Try laser hair removal. Many men become tired of the upkeep that comes with removing unwanted hair, and that is why laser hair removal for men is becoming popular nowadays. Many men are turning to laser hair removal to get rid of hair from head to toe. Men who want to minimize their daily grooming time or get rid of ingrown hairs can get long-lasting results from the process, which is also safe and effective for all skin types.

To provide one with helpful information, Dr. Rohit Batra has shared some ins and outs of laser hair removal for men. He is also known for offering the Best Laser Hair Removal in Delhi at DermaWorld Skin and Hair Clinic. Read on for more insights about laser hair removal for men.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is an effective and safe procedure of removing unwanted body hair using laser energy. The lasers are completely safe and the light gets absorbed by the melanin present in the hair follicle. The laser heat energy effectively heats up the melanin pigment and further destroys the hair follicles, without harming the surrounding skin.

How Does Laser Hair Removal for Men Work?

Laser hair removal treatments involve the usage of laser light technology. These lasers emit light energy into the skin to target the hair follicles. Hair can no longer develop if the root and follicle are damaged, leading to permanent hair reduction. Depending on the size of the treated area, most men require multiple hair removal sessions to get the best outcomes. This happens because the hair grows through three different stages. Individual hairs are always in different phases, and the laser only works on hair in the growth phase. Laser hair removal is only effective on hair that is in the active growth stage. With multiple sessions spread out over weeks, the laser can capture every hair in the growth phase.

Which Areas Can Be Treated With Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is successfully performed on any part of the body except for the eyelids. These areas include:

  • Back

  • Chest

  • Neck

  • Stomach

  • Groin

  • Arms

  • Thighs

  • Underarms

  • Between the eyebrows

  • Pubic Area

  • Beard Reshaping.

What are the Benefits of Laser Hair Removal for Men?

  • With laser hair removal, one will get rid of shaving or waxing again and again, which will eventually save money, time, and embarrassment.

  • One will no longer have to deal with ingrown hair, which includes painful bumps on the groin, chest, and neck caused due to the ingrown hair.

  • With laser hair removal, one will experience less sweat.

  • Laser hair removal benefits pilonidal sinus in the perianal area or hidradenitis.

  • It is an easy way to shape the beard and eliminate woes like cuts.

What to Do Before Laser Hair Removal?

If one has decided to get laser hair removal, one can consult the laser experts at Dermaworld Skin and Hair Clinic, one of the Best Laser Clinics in Delhi. During the consultation, the laser technician will explain what the procedure entails and examine the area and number of sessions needed. The number of sessions needed depends upon the area's size and the patient’s skin type. For example, removing hair from the back is much more time-consuming than facial hair due to the sheer size of the area. The laser technician will also provide instructions on what to do before the procedure. These instructions include shaving the area before the treatment and avoiding excessive exposure to the sun.

What to Expect After Laser Hair Removal Procedure?

Post-procedure, men might experience slight discomfort. Many individuals face swelling and redness in the treated area, especially in the first few hours. It is advised to stay out of the skin and avoid working out for 48 hours post-session. Most individuals see significant hair loss, which implies less maintenance, even if one has significantly less hair remaining. And it's worth it for individuals who have to deal with ingrown hairs or razor burns after shaving.

Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

The procedure is significantly less painful than waxing due to laser technology. The majority of individuals consider the feeling like a rubber band snap. When treating delicate areas, such as the face or pubic region, the lasers are equipped with a specific cooling device to help with comfort. Therefore, one experiences slight discomfort during the procedure.

How Long Does it Take to See Results?

As the course of treatment starts, each hair will be in different stages of this cycle. This indicates that targeting the hairs at the optimal growth stage will require numerous treatment sessions. To get long-term results, one requires 8 to 12 hair removal treatments, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart, depending on the area of the body being targeted. During the consultation with the dermatologist, they will be able to build a customized treatment plan for the patient to help them achieve the desired results.

Is it a Permanent Procedure?

Everybody responds to laser treatments differently. Because of how laser light energy works, laser hair removal for men or women are more successful on individuals with light skin and dark hair. Once the total number of sessions is complete, one may experience permanent hair loss. But one may have to keep taking touch-up treatments after a year or two. However, it is still better than painful hair removal methods such as waxing or shaving.


Hair removal lasers are equipotent. Therefore, choosing a licensed and experienced provider who upholds safety and hygiene standards is extremely important. With just a few treatments and some basic follow-up care, one can have the hair-free body they have always wanted. If one wants to get rid of red bumps that pop up on the neck from shaving, or the excessive hair on the chest which looks unappealing, they can consult Dr. Rohit Batra at DermaWorld Skin and Hair Clinic. At the clinic, one can get rid of unwanted hair from areas such as chin, face, arms, legs, bikini, breast, tummy, etc.

To know more about Laser Hair Removal Cost in Delhi, one can visit the clinic. Schedule an appointment now at DermaWorld Skin and Hair Clinic.

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